The only pre-manufactured Cold Formed Steel Moment Frames in the Industry.
MiTek introduces a family of Cold Formed Steel Moment Frames specifically designed for light construction.
MiTek Hardy CFS Portal Frame
The new MiTek Hardy CFS Portal Frame is a pre-engineered, pre-manufactured Moment Frame designed for narrow wall lengths with high capacities at significant cost savings over structural steel moment frames. The Hardy CFS Portal Frame is a standardized, mass-produced Moment Frame that is easy to ship, install, and inspect.
Cold Formed Steel Moment Frame (CFS)
- Easier to ship, handle and install than structural steel components.
- Narrow Panel Widths. Pre-engineered designs for 12, 15, 18 and 21˝.
- Available in Back-to-Back configuration.
- Narrow Beam Depth. Maintains opening height at standard garage fronts.

Cold Formed Steel Picture Frame (CFS)
- Multi-Story Application. Able to stack up to 5-stories
- Narrow Wall Sections. For applications in wood frame construction at large openings and end conditions.
- “Self Reacting” Moment Frame. Distributes compression from high overturning forces without crushing wood below.
MiTek Hardy CFS Picture Frame
The new, easily stackable MiTek Hardy CFS Picture Frame is a revolution in shear wall technology. This standardized cold-formed steel moment frame has been specifically designed for multi-story, light-wood frame construction. The innovative design distributes compression over more wall length that extends below window openings where vertical members can’t be installed, thereby allowing larger window openings and greater design options.
MiTek Z4 Cinch Nut
The MiTek Hardy CFS Picture Frame uses our unique continuous self-ratching MiTek Z4 system, connections stay tight even when wood members shrink. Z4 is used in multi-story buildings to transfer uplift tension forces that result from earthquakes and wind loading to the foundation.